It is a modern piece of work. 🙂
I started with one of the 30cm cords through the earring closure, then I added 5-5pcs 50cm long cords in half to both sides. As you will see on the pictures: lastly I added two cords that are 30cm long again.
I used Amann Serabraid T90 0.9mm thread for this project, I like the silver color and the touch of this cord, it was very easy to make knots with it. 🙂
I hope you like it, it was fun for me to make it. 🙂
If you have any questions about the cords I use, or the board I work on, please visit FAQ first.
Used materials:
- 10 x 50cm waxed polyester cord (Amann Serabraid T90 thread 0,9mm);
- 3 x 30cm waxed polyester cord;
- 2 pcs earring closures.
You will also need:
- a workboard (mine is a covered swimming board);
- scissors;
- pins;
- and a lighter.
Click on the first thumbnail and you can click the left/right arrows to the previous/next step:
Happy knotting! 🙂