Tutorial: Rhombus in loops earring

This earring is a mix of the loops earring and the rhombus earring.

I rotated my working board while working, I hope the steps are clear and you can follow them, if necessary you may watch the images again and it will be more comprehensible! 

Macramotiv macrame knotted earring tutorial DIY migramah makram├ę macram├ę jewellery f├╝lbeval├│ textile instructions howto steps stepbystep

You can mirror the pattern to have a left and a right piece of earring, or you can knot two exactly same.

You can find out other pattern in the middle and make loops around it, bravely use your imaginations. 🙂

After finishing the earring I usually adjust it with my hands.

Macramotiv macrame knotted earring tutorial DIY migramah makram├ę macram├ę jewellery f├╝lbeval├│ textile instructions howto steps stepbystep

I used 1mm Turkish braided waxed polyester cord thread, if you have any questions about the cords I use, or the board I work on, please visit my FAQ page first.

You start with the 40cm long cords and I wrote the sizes of the cords on the images.

Macramotiv macrame knotted earring tutorial DIY migramah makram├ę macram├ę jewellery f├╝lbeval├│ textile instructions howto steps stepbystep

Used materials:

  • 13 x 40cm waxed polyester cord (1mm thick) per earring;
  • 2 x 70cm waxed polyester cord (1mm thick) per earring;
  • 1 x 80cm waxed polyester cord (1mm thick) per earring;
  • 2 pcs earring closures.

You will also need:

  • a workboard;
  • scissors;
  • pins;
  • and a lighter.

Click on the first thumbnail and you can click the left/right arrows to the previous/next step or you can click the play button and it will automatically steps to the next image:

Happy knotting! 🙂


  1. Hola! Me encanta tu trabajo, felicitaciones!! Es hermoso! Pero en especial escribo, estas l├şneas, para alabar tu blogg, est├í muy bien hecho, muy completo y es muy sencillo de seguir. Eres especial y tienes un don para ense├▒ar! Nunca he hecho ning├║n trabajo en macram├ę pero me gusta la joyer├şa as├ş que un d├şa de ├ęstos me equipo y hago algo de lo que he visto aqu├ş. Veo que tu ├║ltima publicaci├│n fue en enero de 2018, espero que no hayas abandonado. Con afecto de una venezolana desde Rep├║blica Dominicana.

    • Hola Carmen!
      Thank you for the kind words. No, I didn’t give up my websites, I only have my job and many stuff to do, so for a while I have to pause making new publications, that I hope I will have time soon. 🙂
      Best wishes, Macramotiv 🙂

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