Stolen tutorials image by image

Macramotiv copyright

I was facing a very unpleasant thing a few days ago. Someone has stolen four whole tutorials from my homepage. She/he published all the images of mine on her website, just put on a logo to my images and shared them. My logo is even on the pictures on that site. I am sad, because I wrote down in the Terms of use and on the Photo tutorials page that I ask you not to publish my images in any other media.

I think I can’t do anything against it, I am going to try writing her somehow (my tutorials are on a chinese webpage), and to avoid misunderstanding I put a language selection tab on the upper right of the webpage. I hope it will help anyone understanding texts and it will help me to make people understand that all the’s materials belong to Macramotiv and are protected by laws and you may not reproduce or distribute them in any form or through any media.

I worked a lot with this website, I worked a lot learning macrame and improving my knotting skills, I worked a lot with finding out new tutorials, I worked a lot with taking pictures, editing them, making tutorial posts and let you know about them. Please do not copy my material and share my images on your website. Instead of this you can write a post mentioning that you has found a useful tutorial and let your readers know my website’s URL:

Thank you!


  1. I have found this website very clear and I was having trouble understanding some of the moves but your step by step has helped, sorry to hear someone stole your tutorials as it takes time and effort on your part to put it together.
    All the best

  2. Ol├í 🙂
    J├í existem v├írias op├ž├Áes nos sites para proteger as fotografias para que tal n├úo aconte├ža. Uma dessas formas ├ę n├úo permitir efectuar o download das fotografias, o pr├│prio site n├úo o permite. As pessoas podem aproveitar a ideia do teu trabalho para realizarem o delas mas n├úo as tuas fotografias.

    Bom trabalho 🙂

    • Hello,
      OK, I’ll look at it and I’ll search for info about this.
      Thank you! 🙂
      All the best to you! 🙂

  3. I am sorry to see that some of your tutorials have been stolen. I can see that you’ve worked very hard to make the tutorials. Your jewelry and designs are lovely. I can’t wait to start making some of them. Thanks for the very clear instructions.

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