

Website update

Macrame jewellery, macrame necklaces, macramotiv

I’ve been feeling the weight of this for a long time – I knew I had to update the website. Behind the scenes, I kept running into more and more issues, and the mobile user experience wasn’t great either –…

Tutorial: Venus earring

Macramotiv macrame knotted earring tutorial DIY migramah makram├ę macram├ę jewellery f├╝lbeval├│ textile instructions howto steps stepbystep

Venus earrings are of medium difficulty and are not designed specifically for beginners. I made a lot of images to help you to understand the steps. I hope the steps are clear and you can follow them, if necessary you…


Macrame photo tutorials thumbnails

I received many warnings about that the little thumbnail images on some of the photo tutorial pages don’t load properly. It was very interesting because it worked well for me at first sight. Then as I checked accurately all the…

Backstage job

Amann Serabraid macrame cord

Sometimes there are backstage jobs I have to do with this site and some little problems, fly in the ointment to fix. Today I did some of them, refreshed gallery images, home and complement FAQ page, made better appearance on…